The following are volunteer Committee Member opportunities available for the 2024 season *These positions are subject to change, as more positions become available and/or filled*
- Concession Stand Liaison (1 per division)
- Assist the Concession Stand Coordinator in the opening and closing of concession stand.
- Coordinate concession coverage with Concession Stand Coordinator along with Team Moms, Dads.
- Fundraising and Sponsorship Volunteer (unlimited)
- Member of fundraising and sponsorship committee and assists the Committee Chairperson.
- Participate in distribution and collection of fund raising materials.
- Participate in the solicitation of sponsors for the league.
- Field Day Volunteer (unlimited)
- Assists the Field Maintenance Coordinator and participates in field days.
- Repair & paint bleachers and buildings.
- Prepare fields for play.
- Clean & prep concession stand for season.
** Anyone with Carpentry, Electrical, or Landscaping skills are strongly encouraged to volunteer for Field Days.
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