As the Little League season approaches the Stanton-Newport Little League Board of Directors is working hard to prepare. The Board is compromised of mix of first time and long time members. Some of our long time members do not have children who participate in the league but are dedicated to your children and the league.
It is important that every parent be aware of the tremendous amount of work that goes into a successful season and be prepared to participate. Everything from registering players, coaching teams, running the concessions, umpiring games, maintaining the fields, ordering equipment, fundraising, and even removing trash is the responsibility of the parents. It is impossible for the members of the board to perform all of the necessary work with out your help.
Please click on links below for a brief description of each Volunteer Opportunity. Review and be prepared to sign-up for the opportunity that best suits your schedule and skills. Sign-up sheets will be available at registration.
(Manager, Coach, Team Parent, Field Volunteer, Volunteer Umpire)
(Concession Stand Liason, Fundraising Volunteer, Sponsorship Volunteer, Field Day Volunteer)
(League President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, At-Large Board Members)
(Player Agent, Safety Officer, Registration Coordinator, Concession Stand Coordinator, Division Vice President, Umpire-in-Chief, Sponsorship Coordinator, Fundraising Chairperson, Field/Maintenance Coordinator, Equipment Manager)
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