Who Can Register
You must register on our website by clicking on either "Login" for returning players or "register" for new players. All returning parents already have a login account on this website. If any returning parents don't remember their login name and/or password, please contact Jen Good, via email for information at [email protected]
Stanton-Newport Little League offers developmental and competitive Baseball (Note: Tee Ball is considered a baseball division), Softball formats for players 4 to 16 years old. As well as Wee Ball for 3-4 year olds. Players are eligible to play ball at SNLL if:
- Residing or attending a school within the SNLL boundaries (Click here to determine if your home or school is within the SNLL boundaries).
- Girl Softball Players Only - residing or attending school within the SNLL, Capitol, Midway or Newark National Little Leagues' boundaries.
- Tee Ball Only - Open boundaries. You can join us at SNLL no matter where you live or where your child goes to school
- Returning players who have moved out of the boundaries since last season, you may continue to play at SNLL.
- Returning players who have moved out of the boundaries in a previous season, but has continued to play at SNLL.
- Wee Ball Players ONLY - There are no boundaries for Wee Ball. This Division is for 3-4 year olds. Players MUST turn 3 years old but CANNOT turn 5 year before 8/31 of the current year. The program is held on Saturday mornings for 6-8 weeks.