You must register on our website by clicking on either "Login" for returning players or "register" for new players. All returning parents already have a login account on this website. If any returning parents don't remember their login name and/or password, please contact [email protected].
Stanton-Newport Little League (SNLL) is chartered through Little League Baseball International, Inc. (Little League) and falls under their Rules and Regulations concerning player registration, SNLL offers programs in the following divisions:
Baseball Divisions
- Wee Ball (3-4 year olds ONLY) *REGISTER HERE ~ https://forms.gle/J4PdZkXiu2tK22T6A**
- Tee Bal (4-6 years old)*
- Minor Baseball (7-12 years old)*+
- Major Baseball (9-12 years old)*
- Junior Baseball (13-14 years old)*
- Senior Baseball (15-16 years old)*
Softball Divisions
- Minor Softball (7-12 years old)*+
- Major Softball (9-12 years old)*
- Senior Softball (13-16 years old)*
(*) League age is determined via the Little League age charts. The LL League Age Calculator is available under "Who Can Register".
(+) League age 6 year olds may play Minor Baseball or Softball provided they have played at least one (1) year of Tee Ball. League age 12 years olds may play in the Minor divisions via an approved written waiver from Little League.
All age groups/divisions listed are from the Little League rules and regulations. Actual age groups accepted within those particular divisions guidelines are determined by the league's Board of Directors on a yearly basis.
If you have any questions or concerns about registration, please contact [email protected].